About This Website

This website was built by one person over four inconsistent months. The main purpose of this web is to assist students with their academic journey and make their University life easier. The website did not use any website builders but was built entirely with code. As an inexpereice developer, the code were written inconsistently, with repeated chunks of code across files, which did not meet its full potential performance and might cause some lag. It is a project made with effort and learning.

This website has used and is using ..

Z.com: Thanks to Z.com for being an excellent domain provider — affordable, transparent with renewal costs, and free from aggressive upselling, not requiring a Mastercard or Visa card (which I don’t have) and accept PromptPay.

GitHub: This project's code is hosted on GitHub. GitHub makes managing and sharing code straightforward.

Vercel: This site is deployed on Vercel, a platform designed for speed and simplicity. It has seamless performance, hassle-free updates and effortless hosting experience such that I can focus on building the website without worrying about server maintenance.

Firebase: Firebase is used for collecting and storing all data. Here are the types of data I collect:

This data is used to personalize your experience.

OAuth (Firebase Authentication): Secure and seamless logins are powered by Firebase Authentication using OAuth. User accounts are verified and protected by Firebase, making them more secure and reducing my responsibility for your account security.
No account passwords are required to sign up.

Pages on the Website

The website has four main pages:

Home: The starting point where you can navigate to all other pages or just try counting every star.

About: The page you are reading now. It contains information about the website and the developer.

Chat: A simple and functional chat application. This section requires a Google account to sign up. Once signed up, you can start chatting, and other users will see your messages in real time. You can click the profile icon to customize a few things: your nickname, the background color of the page, the colors of message bubbles, and the text inside, all of which are visible to other users. The chat will be filled with differently colored message bubbles, and you can be any color you want! There is also a delete button when you click the three dots beside your messages. The delete function only changes the visibility status to false, meaning you and other users will no longer see the messages you deleted, but they will still remain in the database.

Quiz: The original objective of the website. The quiz was the main reason I started working on this project. It contains four additional pages:

This website is not perfect, but it was made with care and the hope that it can be useful to students like you.

About The Developer

Hello everyone, my name is Kyaw Swar Hein, and I’m the creator of this website.

My Journey in Coding

My interest in coding began long before AI was a thing. I started my coding journey with small Python projects, such as a space invader game and other minigames using the Pygame module. However, web development was a field I had zero experience in when I began this project. Most of the code here is built from scratch using basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. While it’s not perfect, it reflects my growth as a developer. The process has been challenging but rewarding. Special thanks to ChatGPT, which was a valuable learning tool along the way.

Why I Built This Website

Using the Tkinter module in Python, I created a quiz game where I could answer pre-made quizzes covering all topics within a specific subject. This sparked an idea: what if I could take this quiz application online so that my friends could participate as well? That motivated me to step into the world of web development, despite having no prior experience in the field.

What’s Next?

Now that I have a small spot on the web server, I plan to use this site as a tool for learning and experimentation. I'm planning to explore various web development concepts and test new features here. For the website itself, I aim to address a few inconveniences that I encountered while creating it. For instance, I’d like to add notification to the chat and also add a timer for the quiz which can significantly influence the scores. Many of these tasks are either too complex for me or involve skills I haven’t learned yet, but I plan to address them in the future. At the same time, I’ll be uploading and updating quizzes weekly, fixing any bugs users may encounter, and handling user feedback to improve the overall user experience.


This website wouldn’t have been possible without the following:
